What are we doing—individually, collectively, as a society? Are we truly living, or just surviving? Are we building something meaningful, or merely perpetuating cycles that don’t serve us?

What are we doing—individually, collectively, as a society? Are we truly living, or just surviving? Are we building something meaningful, or merely perpetuating cycles that don’t serve us?

In a world where we are all walking a tightrope, where do you choose to take the risk? At what point do we leap? No matter which path we take, there will be sacrifices. Life teaches us that not all boxes can be checked—but among the few that can, what becomes the main priority? What is the source of your truth? Are you aligning with the window to your soul, the place you’ve always longed to be?

This life is inundated with consumerism at every turn. No matter how much we acquire, it will never truly be enough. So, what is the goal? What is the purpose? I know with certainty that my purpose isn’t to stay trapped in this relentless rat race. Choosing freedom might be seen as a deviation from society’s norms, but does that matter?

I couldn’t care less about the opinions of others. Yet, when you have someone little looking up to you, you want to ensure they have the essential comforts they need. Still, I can’t help but wish we would rise together—stop showing up for these corporations, these forces that exploit and control. It's time to reclaim something real, something meaningful.

Love Luci 

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Ryan Dodson

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