Feeling exhausted in the rhythm of passing time...

Feeling exhausted in the rhythm of passing time...

As we navigate through life, bound by man-made constructs like calendars and clocks, time—whether linear or not—keeps slipping by. Whether an illusion or reality, its passage is undeniable, just like everything else that comes and goes. What feels like long days or endless moments is, in truth, a fleeting instant, a mere speck of dust caught in the grand beam of existence.

I find myself grappling with mixed emotions. On one hand, I am profoundly grateful for all that I have—not just the material but the essence of this present moment. Yet, on the other hand, there’s a sense of doom lingering in the air, a pervasive darkness I can’t seem to shake. Podcasts, holy water, and half-hearted self-care in the midst of this fast-paced life barely scratch the surface of relief. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel this weight—a shadowy presence creeping closer? Or has it always been there, hidden by a veil that is now lifting?

I strive to be a source of light amidst the shadows, but denying the darkness would be a disservice to the truth. How do you cope on the days when this heaviness looms, like a relentless shadow draining every ounce of energy and hope?

As a mother, I hold tightly to the hope that the future will be brighter for our children. Yet, the world we’re living in sometimes makes me question whether that hope is well-placed. Yes, I have faith. Yes, I push forward. Yes, I believe in a higher power. But even faith doesn’t erase the truth that we all need a moment to pause, to breathe deeply enough to catch up with ourselves.

I dream of a world where we stand together as a united human community, breaking free from the oppressive forces that feed on our fears and drain our energy. How do we reclaim our power and shift the tide? 

The world may feel heavy, filled with challenges that test our spirit. Yet within us lies the power to pause, to reclaim a sense of purpose, and to find hope in the smallest details: the laughter of a child, the warmth of the sun on our skin, the resilience we discover when we least expect it.

Finding faith means leaning into the present, acknowledging the darkness but choosing to believe in the light. It’s about trusting that even in the tick-tocks of time, amidst the calendars and clocks, there is room for renewal, connection, and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.

Love Luci- write in and tell me how do you deal with the now

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